10 incredible years at the OG Australian Digital Business, dominant property platform and world-class workplace.
My last day at REA. The company changed my life.
Design our News & Lifestyle experience
Multiple ideas won/placed in company 'Shark Tank' (Big Idea)
Designed our first financial experience
Instigated, designed & coded first major site uplift in 5 years
Designed our native media products for 2 years
Some of my design work @ REA
As Lead Designer I worked in our Media & 3rd party advertising business,
partnering with major Australian brands to help diversify our revenue and
solve other segments of the home ownership journey.
My time at REA had plenty of memorable moments and
some incredible challenges but everything
that happened made me better for it.
Huge thanks to every single person over the journey, my team mates,
fellow designers, beer drinkers and close friends.
I used to wear red t-shirts a lot.
8 years ago
Move in to our apartment in San Jose, literally starting out again. Drinking wine out of plastic cups on the floor, stealing the neighbours wifi. This is my all time favourite photo
8 years ago
Fly out of Australia with just two suitcases
8 years ago
Start my first day remotely with realtor.com
8 years ago
Get married <3 at my parents house in front of 150 friends & family who thought it was a going away party ;)
8 years ago
Last day at REA.
9 years ago
25th and final REAio Hack Day
9 years ago
Celebrate 10 years at REA
9 years ago
The era of Inventorship and rea.io begins
9 years ago
My final GKO was special
9 years ago
6 of us head to a little company called realtor.com in California for a week to join their hackathon.
10 years ago
2nd Real Deal Employee of the year winner. Seen here taking a terrible selfie.
10 years ago
On stage for nearly an hour - Global Kickoff 2015 in front of ~1,000 colleagues #terrifying
10 years ago
Promoted to lead designer to work on Finance & Media experiences.
10 years ago
Team from media play soccer *inside* Port Philip Prison with inmates, tour their cells and eat lunch inside.
One of my all time favourite things.
10 years ago
Win 5th Hack Day with Agent Admin Lipstick. We made a previously desktop only web app responsive and mobile prime with mostly css.
10 years ago
Discover map experience goes live. Great idea, killer experience.
10 years ago
Team heads to Sydney to hack with our News Corp colleagues at their News Foundry event.
11 years ago
Move to 511 Church Street Richmond. So much space!
11 years ago
Covered the entire REA foyer in newspaper and bombed it with graffiti.
11 years ago
Conceptualized, branded & MC'd the first 'Hack it Forward' charity hackathon.
11 years ago
Under heavy secrecy, build & ship microsite for AusLivesHere campaign with Arnold Schwarzenegger. Didn't get to meet him :(
11 years ago
One night I lamented how messy the site looked. After a few beers and 2,000 lines of code deleted, Project Uplift goes live. Reskinned the site for the first time in 5 years with mostly css.
11 years ago
Take out an ad in the Herald Sun Love Book for I <3 HD
12 years ago
Luxury trip to Turkey with my Dad thanks to Real Deal win.
12 years ago
Mysterious sighting of the legendary Bat leads to a surprise photo shoot on a Melbourne rooftop.
12 years ago
Pioneer the Wicked WEM (Gin & Tonic in a coffee cup) at Hektors
12 years ago
CEO club trip to King Island, sat in the cockpit as we fly over Melbourne.
12 years ago
Team volunteers for the day at Mercy Health, speaking with residents & joining them for lunch.
12 years ago
A taste of the old Friday night drinks in Federation at 678. Great crew!
12 years ago
Win 1st 'Real Deal' - awarded to top 10 non-sales people across the company.
12 years ago
REA Legend: a grown-ass man dressed as Batman (really quite often) #TheBat #HeroREAdeserves
12 years ago
Hijack the vote to rebrand Tech Stop as "Fixizzle your shizzle". The Bat wasn't happy at all!
12 years ago
#HD13 - Classic Hack Day marketplace with the 'Speakeasy' Prohibition era theme. Place looked amazing, we even had a roulette wheel and fancy outfits!
12 years ago
Win 4th Hack Day after covering the office with 'I <3 Dashy' stickers.
12 years ago
Present to Rupert Murdoch. Forgot the memo and wore my Hacktivist t-shirt and fresh airmax.
12 years ago
We introduce the OG Hack Day Trophy: RIP - Rest in Paradise Legend <3
13 years ago
Win 3rd Hack Day with Affordinator, make Success Kid great again.
13 years ago
#HD10 - Our first Hackers Marketplace (for HD10 X marks the spot) in August 2012. Teams setup stands, we had fake VC printed money and plenty of food and drinks.
13 years ago
Italian cooking class - we were encouraged to dress the part so I created an apron fit for a serial killer.
13 years ago
#HD9 - First hackers presentation back in the office with some drinks and food. A new world order is on the horzion...
13 years ago
The classic flying shark floating around the office.
13 years ago
Team in Xi'an China goes paintballing after a legendary all night bender.
13 years ago
First trip to Xi'an
13 years ago
Meet internet legend 'The Oatmal' at Webstock in Wellington.
13 years ago
Win 2nd Hack Day with Investinator.
13 years ago
I bought rea.to and the URL shortener goes live with some open source PHP.
14 years ago
Meet Tour De France champ Cadel Evans and give him *my* yellow jacket.
14 years ago
Establish Media Temple for hosting several REA sites. For $20 a month. #devOps
14 years ago
#HD7 Hack Day 7 held in October 2011. Another showcase at Fenix next door gave rise to the OG Hack Day Trophy, shown here with alum Daniel Hall who made the 'picture frame with flashing lights that didn't work'.
14 years ago
RUI returns after a hiatus, begins its ascent.
14 years ago
#HD5 Hack Day 5 held in May 2011. Our first showcase outside the building, next door at Fenix complete with apps and drinks (thanks Tammy and Meegs!!)
15 years ago
#HD3 Hack Day 3 held in December 2010 at 678 with 5 teams. Pretty excited crowd for the showcase!
15 years ago
First ever REA Hack Day showcase, Friday March 26th 2010: 5 teams presented and the winner was decided like an Iowa Caucus with us all crowding around a whiteboard to vote. I hung off Luke's coat tails to win with Gizmo.
15 years ago
First REA Hack Day kicked off Thursday March 25th 2010. Roughly 20 developers standing around for kickoff. 5 teams took part, mostly engineers. #humblebeginnings
16 years ago
Legendary Coolum Conference. If you wanna know the stories, ask someone who was there ;)
16 years ago
Google announces it's entering property market which caused some mild consternation.
17 years ago
First code for RUI ui library is committed.
17 years ago
Spend week in India with our media team.
18 years ago
Realcommercial ships after we hurriedly re-wrote a lot of css
18 years ago
We really loved the colour red. Before phones or large screens with the ubiquitous skyscraper ad hanging off the side if the monitor is big enough